Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Punches in the Gut

Man, I am cranky today. I didn't wake up that way.  I've just been dealing with A-holes all day and it's starting to rub off.  That and I am having major cramps.  I'd like to say that the bitchiness associated with the female mensus is false, but it's not.  I'm a raving bitch today and it's no small coincidence that my period is involved.  I'm trying to make myself write something nice.  It's not going so well.  I think I've deleted about three paragraphs already.  There is a really pretty orchid blooming accross from my desk right now. Does that count? 

Let's think about something awesome:

Ice cold beer.  Now I'm feeling a little better.  This positive thinking shit really works.  Just looking at that picture made me feel pretty happy.  Now we can talk about something that makes me laugh.  Me at the gym.  It's pretty comical.  I tried a Zumba class.  It was ridiculous!  The room was packed and all of the women looked pretty sexy working out.  I on the other hand was a lost, chubby girl.  You want me to do what with my pelvis?!?  Not to mention the profuse sweating and the bright red face.  And lucky me, there are about a gazillion mirrors in the room.  So if there was a moment where I thought, "Hey, I think I'm getting this."  All I had to do was look up and realize, "Oh, no kit kat, you don't!".  Haha.  Someday.  I think it's important to be able to laugh at yourself, right? 

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