Friday, March 2, 2012

Could you pick me up some beer?

I imagine the clerks at CVS think I am not only a lunatic, but a raging alcoholic. It's an easy place to stop on my way home from work to get beer, chapstick, wine, bubble gum, vodka, or if I'm feeling naustalgic, a 40.  While getting a shopping cart full of booze this afternoon I was getting a , "Jesus! Lady" look from the cashier and I had a great conversation in my head explaing to him the need for so much alcohol:  I'm 30 and I just moved back home with my parents (thus the bottle of vodka).  My brother is 29 and he, too, just moved home (thus the two 24 packs of beer).  My Mom just had her two adult children move home (thus the two BIG bottles of wine).  This is logic!  They say you can never go home.  I think it's more accurate to say: You can go home, just be ready to consume large quantities of alcohol. Haha. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

If They Only Dripped Wine

Long time, no post, my friends.  Sorry about that.  My goal is to get back into writing with a passion.  That's the idea, right?  I have that.  My goal is to make you laugh or at least smile (I'm talking to you hard asses out there). I'm trying to harness my inner Hemingway.  Not sure I really have that, but I am half-drunk, and that was his thing, so I can't go wrong. Now we have to decide on a topic.  I have little neon stickies on my desk, but nothing to stick them to.  I have a million ideas running through my stubborn little gourd but not sure what to pick as my next project.  I am focusing on forgiveness right now, so maybe I should talk about that.  I hate to get too preachy to y'all, though because I've been there. This awesomeness, this zen, this peace that I feel now didn't happen over night.  I can't tell you to blink five times and cross your eyes for 45 minutes and you will be happy.  It doesn't work like that.  Things have to "click" for you. It sounds weird or cheesy, but it's true.  You have to be ready to be happy. To laugh. To accept good.  All of that from a pad of post it stickies? They're neon and I love bright colors.  They  remind me of the hair bands I loved as a kid (not the kind that held my hair back, but Def Leppard, Motely Crue, and Poison) and I get excited.

What makes you laugh?  Look around you and see the positive that you associate with your surroundings.  If the things around you don't make you smile, throw them in the trash! Because nothing makes me smile like saying, "Fuck that!" and throwing stupid stuff in the trash can!