Sunday, October 24, 2010

But Pleasantly Cold

I am going to let you in on a little secret.  I am a total and complete sucker.  There I said it.  I don't know why I have such a hard time with such a small word. No. N-O.  It only has two letters for crying out loud! I for some reason unknown have the hardest time telling people no.  Even if I do manage to tell someone no,  a little pressure and I crack.  And don't get me started on cute little kids selling things in front of grocery stores.  Even if I only have $5 to my name, I will give it to them.  Someday (hopefully soon)  I will master the art of gracefully declining.  Until then, yes you can have five dollars,  yes I will pick up your dry cleaning, and YES I will wash your car (it is really dirty).

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