Thursday, December 2, 2010

Moments of Clarity

This is a story I wrote based on a dream I had.  It was a strong dream that I felt compelled to share.  Take from it what you will:

I have this room that I go to.  My place across all time and space. It's more of a cave, really.  And beautiful.  It sits just under the surface of the sea and there is a huge crystal window that allows the light to filter through the water in delicate, wavy rays.  It is calm and safe.  Rather than dark and damp, this room is cool and inviting, covered in spongey, soft moss.  This makes the room a soft, loving green.  It has a huge ledge, a window seat of sorts, next to the crystal window where I like to sit and think and watch the creatures of the sea.  Sometimes I am there alone, sometimes not.

On this day, though, I find myself sitting across from Archangel Lucifer. There is no fear, only love.  Angels are described as blindingly beautiful creatures, and Lucifer is no different.  He has wings of a rich, deep purple, dark and lovely and almost black.  But it's his eyes that make me catch my breath.  They are so dark and deep and they speak volumes to me without even a word uttered.  And I know with every fiber of my being that we are friends and have been across the span of ages. I know this, yet I am only consciously aware of my last 20 some years.  I look at him with his grace, beauty, and love and I become sad.

He asks me, "What's troubling you, Brandy?"

I think for a moment and reply, "I've heard things about you, Lucifer. They say you've fallen."

He leans his head back and laughs.  A deep belly laugh that fills the room and I can't help but be put a little more at ease, finding myself grinning through my concern.

He replies, "And what do you feel? Here." He points to my heart.

"That can't be true," I smile.

"Exactly.  Lucifer. It means "Light of God." God's light can't fall."  He grabs my hand and I sigh in relief, knowing it to be true.

"They say your sin is Pride," I whisper.

Again, he smiles and says to me, "That is not my sin, but the sin of man I carry.  Humans are capable of great good and great evil.  But rather than recognize and accept that in themselves, they needed an outside force to blame for the bad."

I am humbled and I reply, "That is a huge burden to carry."

He squeezes my hand and says, "I carry it gladly in hopes that it will help humanity move out of darkness and into a place of only light and love."

Light of God.  I am relieved and I know that he looks after those who are lost and I say so.

"Yes.  If you feel lost, you only need to call on me and I will light your way," he answers.

I feel happy in the knowledge that I have just gained and I lean my head on his shoulder as we sit in the silence that friends that have known each other for ages can comfortably do and soak in the sun as it filters into my cave through the water.

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