Sunday, November 21, 2010

-ly Competitive

I have a huge problem with Bejeweled Blitz on freakin' facebook.  I cannot stop playing it.  I sit down for five seconds at my computer and before I even realize what I'm doing, I am playing that damn game.  I admit I am a procrastinator by nature. This game has weakened my resolve even further.  And I have to have a decent score up on there or I feel like people are judging me so I not only play, but continue playing until I have a score I consider slightly above average to excellent (I only have maybe five friends that play regularly, so I'm not sure where this is coming from).  

This is why I had to give up Tetris.  I couldn't stop. And worse, with Tetris, I couldn't blink.  I would continually play with burning eyes.  If you saw me during this period of my life, I wasn't always stoned, I was in a serious relationship with my playstation.  I finally stopped playing when the damn game kept taunting me with, "single." "Single." "SINGLE."  I get it!!!  I have no life.  I need to stop spending so much damn time playing Tetris!  At least Bejeweled Blitz pumps up my self esteem by constantly encouraging me with such phrases as "Awesome!", "Excellent!", and my personal favorite, "Spectacular!".  I feel that this game really knows me and chooses extremely accurate adjectives when commenting on me and my skills with matching jewels of the same color.

Maybe someone should stage an intervention...

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